1,269 research outputs found

    The Discrete Fourier Transform, Part 4: Spectral Leakage

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    Windowing modulates the input signal so that the spectral leakage is evened out (spreading on-bucket signals more and off- bucket signals less). Thus, windowing reduces the amplitude of the samples at the beginning and end of the window, altering leakage

    ABET Assessment And The Capstone, Part 2: Realistic Constraints

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    This paper presents the second part of a multi-part framework that enables ABET accredited engineering programs to establish and maintain their compliance with the general criteria for standards, realistic constraints and a major design experience. Each of these elements are covered separate parts, in this, Part 2, we cover realistic constraints. We have found that some schools use interdisciplinary-teams in their senior projects. When the outcomes from interdisciplinary teams are co-mingled it triggers ABET issues as the outcomes are not program specific. Moreover, some schools use the senior project (i.e., capstone) as their only means of providing evidence of a major design experience, student understanding of standards and the application of realistic constraints. This creates ABET issues as program evaluators require assessments to be program-oriented

    Data Mining Historic Stock Quotes in Java

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    Historic stock price data is generally available on the web (using a browser to format the HTML data). Given an HTML data source, we would like to find a way to create an underlying data structure that is type-safe and well formulated

    The Stock Statistics Parser

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    The focus is on making use of the web to get information about companies, using their stock symbols and YAHOO finance. We show how to map a stock ticker symbol into a company name gather statistics and derive new information. Our example shows how we extract the number of shares outstanding, total volume over a given time period and compute the turnover for the shares

    Java Optimization for Superscalar and Vector Architectures

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    The present state-of-the-art in computer hardware has outpaced the current state of the distributed JIT (Just-In-Time) compilers. We have resorted to modifying our Java code to make use of JNI (Java Native Interface) based vector-accelerated C programs to obtain speed-ups from 2 to 10 times

    Synthetic Image Sequence Compression

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    The goal is to distribute animations to a variety of browsers without requiring a plug-in or helper application. We seek to minimize the size of the image sequence, while maximizing the signal to noise ratio of the sequence

    Semantic Annotation for Java

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    Semantic annotation enables consistency in GUI construction. Consistency can have both positive and negative side effects. On the positive side, consistency enables a style rule to be implemented and followed in an automatic fashion. On the negative side, all the GUI elements tend to look alike. As more and more powerful annotations migrate toward the business logic, the temptation is to make the annotation resemble a GUI programming language written as a data structure. Once this occurs, the annotation becomes more like GUI annotation, rather than semantic annotation. The question of how GUI annotation can (or even if) it should be used as a means of enhancing GUI construction, remains open

    A Data Mining Address Book

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    Web-based data is generally available in an HTML format. Given a web-based source of an HTML formatted database, we would like to find a way to create an underlying data structure that is type-safe and well formulated, in response to a given query. Basically, we want POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects), extracted from HTML

    Displaying Updated Stock Quotes

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    As a part of the architecture of the program for providing dynamic updates of stock prices, we make use of the observer, mediator and command design patterns. We also make use of the JTable and JTableModel. Finally we show how a multi-threaded update can be performed, using the web as a data source

    Mining Edgar Tender Offers

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    A new set of problems appears when attempting to parse unstructured financial narratives (even in a domain restricted area). The question of how to best approach this problem remains open. After a Dutch auction is over, we should be able to mine the results and summarize them in a semi-automatic manner. This remains a topic of current research
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